Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Job > Blog

Well, I'm trying to get my job done these days, and that has required time away from the blog. I am sorry, but I'm sure you can all understand that work is pretty important stuff.

For today, I really just have pictures for you to enjoy, with minimal commentary.

1. With this plain black dress, it's all about the accessories, and on this day, I chose tan as the accessory color base:

2. Love this maxi dress, and love the color choices here, but I'm not entirely sure I love the way the lines worked out with the long sweater:

3. Hate this outfit. Completely. I was lazy and it showed:

4. Plain and simple, but I liked this one much better than yesterday:

What are your thoughts?


  1. I think you look good in all your clothes so don't be so hard on yourself for that one outfit :) True, its not your best one, but I don't consider it awful either. Otherwise, I mostly agree with your other commentary. ^^
