Sunday, November 18, 2012

On the Subject of Trends

Let's talk about trends, shall we? Different people have different opinions on trends, so what I'm saying should not be taken as "correct" in any way - it's merely my own personal opinion.

My outfit from Thursday is SUPER TRENDY. What do I mean by that? Well, I mean that it's a look that is very "in" right now - it's very popular and regarded as very "now" in the fashion world. Who decided it was "in"? I have no idea, but apparently, it is.

Why did I wear it? Because I really like it - I like the way it looks and I like the way it feels. But would I have bought it if it weren't trendy? Probably not, but not for the reason that you think. I didn't buy it because someone out there decided it was cool, and for whatever reason I decided it would make me "cool" to wear what other people liked. But I wouldn't have thought of buying a chambray shirt (that's that faux-denim style) and pairing it with these pieces if I hadn't seen it ALL OVER the internet over the past few months:

Just some of the many examples.

(Because of it, the chambray shirt had been on my "Wish List" for two months now.)

So am I being a fashion trend "follower"? Absolutely. Do I see a problem with that? No. First, as I already said, I'm not doing it BECAUSE it's trendy. I'm doing it because I like it, but I only discovered it because it was popular. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it just because it was trendy.

Second, nothing in this outfit is "trendy" in a way that will make it useless in one more season. Some trends are so unique that the pieces will become complete wastes of money within a few months, because they can't be worn once the trend has passed. But a chambray shirt will be a great staple piece, and the other pieces (black skinnies, tan boots) are pieces I already love and wear with great regularity.

Some people will never want to wear trendy pieces, because they thrive on being different from others and going against the grain. That's great if that works for them, but I've never felt that need for myself. I find that what is more important to me - whether it is in fashion, music, books, or whatever - is to make choices that I feel good about, regardless of how many others do or do not agree with my choices. I'm not going to pick something just because everyone likes it, but I'm also not going to stay away from it for that same reason.

If you're not a trend-follower, well, I hope you'll forgive my being one on this day.

On a related note, I set a plan to wear maxi skirts/dresses every (non-jeans-day) Friday, and yes I just wasn't feeling it this past Friday. I'm not one to force myself to a routine to the point of suffering, so I went with skinnies and boots again, though at least I varied the boots and wore my black Uggs:

I might need to go to a skinnies-and-boots rehab center soon. Someone stage an intervention, quick!


  1. the trend works well for you! and i love your top in the second outfit...speaking of which, i've been thinking about uggs and whether or not i want to invest in those also. all in all, i need to go shoe shopping!

  2. I had a question. When is it ok to wear black and brown and when is it not ok?

  3. I really want a denim shirt! Where did you get yours? -Andrea
